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Health and Beauty

Treat Your Skin With Effective Summer Beauty Hacks!

Keep your skin fresh and glowing with summer beauty hacks like exfoliation, toning, and sun-tan remedies. Use natural solutions and trusted products for healthy skin.
Siju Surendralal March 30, 2018
A woman trying a face mask in a beauty salon.
Achieve radiant skin this summer with easy beauty hacks and natural remedies to keep your skin healthy and glowing in the heat! Picture: Envato

Summers have already arrived and so various skin problems also. During summers, your skin is more prone damage because of harmful UV-rays, dirt, dust, and pollution. So, apart from using chemical-based beauty products, make sure you pamper your skin with natural ingredients as well. 

In this beauty blog, you will get to know about various summer beauty hacks that you could easily follow at home in order to maintain that naturally glowing skin. 

Sephora,  a premier beauty shopping portal that helps you get the best of the best beauty product deals at unmatched prices. It offers an extensive array of its own as well as other eminent beauty brand products, from skincare range to hair care to health to cosmetics, you will find everything all under one roof. 

Take a look at the most effective beauty care routine for the hot-sunny summer season.

Steps To Follow To Remove Dead Skin Cells In Summers


 Exfoliation is the first and foremost step that you should not forget when treating dead skin cells. Exfoliation accumulates the outer layer of the skin, and to do so, you need to use an exfoliating scrub either purchased from the market or prepared at home, blending oats, gram flour, and milk together.


Cleansing your face twice a day will help you get glowing skin in no time. Use a good cleansing agent that is readily available in the market, or simply prepare using ingredients that are readily available in your kitchen. You can apply raw milk as it is a very good natural cleanser. Or mix honey and plain yoghurt and use it on your face; the mixture will moisturize your well. While using yoghurt and honey as a cleansing agent, make sure you keep the cleanser for a good 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water.


  Steaming is optional. Steaming is helpful to open clogged pores and removes dirt accumulated on your skin. you must steam or use steaming therapy at once in a week as it will help you get softer and clearer skin.


Yet another important step in the process of treating dead skin cells is toning. Toning is helpful in removing dirt toxins from the skin, as well as removing moisture, clearing, and refreshing it effectively. There are plenty of toners available on the market that you can use anywhere, anytime, at home or in the office. But if you are seeking a natural toner, then simply mix equal parts of rose water and glycerin and apply it on your skin daily, particularly at night. This natural toner will reduce pimples, tan marks, and blackheads on your skin.


For the smooth, supple and soft skin make sure you use moisturizer after cleansing. Always remember to use a water-based moisturizer that will keep your skin hydrated all day long. There are many good brand moisturizers available on the market, all you need is to simply massage them immediately after washing your face when your skin is still damp. Moisturizing before sleep is more effective for glowing skin.

Other summer Beauty Hacks!

Treat Sun-Tan With Baking Soda

Sun tan in summer is normal, but ignorance of it can lead to drastic skin burn problems. So, if you want to treat sun-tan, then the only ingredient you can trust is Baking Soda. Baking Soda consists of a skin-lightening agent that balances the pH level of your skin, making it glowing and radiant. Combine a teaspoon of water, vinegar, and baking soda together and apply on the affected area; let it sit for about 5-10 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water.

Smooth Your Feet With Potato!

Yet another summer beauty hack that you can follow easily at home is scrubbing potato on your feet for instant exfoliation. Regular use of potato will result in smooth, soft and glowing feet.

So, these are some life-changing beauty hacks you must be knowing to treat several skin-related issues this summer season.

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